(Nam phrik kaeng)
Stamp voor ca. 6 eetlepels currypasta 6 fijngehakte rode pepers met 1gehakte sjalot, 1 fijn gehakte stengel sereh (alleen het witte gedeelte), 1/2 theelepel verkruimelde trassi (gedroogde garnalenpasta) en 1/2 zakje fijngeknipte koriander tot een gladde pasta. Knijp hier 2 teentjes knoflook boven uit. Verdun de pasta met 1 eetlepel olie tot een smeuïge massa.
zondag 9 december 2012
woensdag 5 december 2012
O.a. sandwich bread, zucchini muffins, fruit by the foot, larabars, trailmix, granola bars:
vrijdag 30 november 2012
Menu 10-13 december
Maandag (dag 50):
Dinsdag (dag 51):
Intro: mango
Rotatie: pompoen en wortelsap met wei/yoghurt/kool/spinazie
Ontbijt: appelmoes, creme fraiche en roerei en avocado
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: restjes worstjes
Snack: knolselderijsoep
Avondeten: Thaise kippensoep
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, rode pasta
A: Thaise kippensoep
Woensdag (dag 52):
Intro: mango door sap
Rotatie: sap met wei/yoghurt/sla/komkommer/bietjes
Ontbijt: sla, avocado, ontbijtspek
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: Thaise kippensoep (zonder vissaus)
Snack: bouillon
Avondeten: casserole met aubergine
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, kibbeling
A: casserole met aubergine
Donderdag (dag 53):
Rotatie: pompoen & appelsap met wei/yoghurt/bleekselderij
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: honing-mosterdburgers met erwtjes
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, pizza
A: honing-mosterdburgers
melkproducten: kefir (maandag), kaas
munt en kool door sap, daarna bietjes en rauw fruit
Stage 5:
fruit door sap
rauwe sla met komkommer
Stage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
Intro: aubergine
Ontbijt: appelringen-kokospannenkoek met appel-bosbessenmoes en kokosroom
Snack: erwtensoep
Lunch: restjes taco's
Snack: kippensoep
Snack: erwtensoep
Lunch: restjes taco's
Snack: kippensoep
Avondeten: gevulde aubergine met sla met komkommer en kruidendressing
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bolletje, kip
A: gevulde aubergine met sla met komkommer en kruidendressing
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bolletje, kip
A: gevulde aubergine met sla met komkommer en kruidendressing
Intro: mango
Rotatie: pompoen en wortelsap met wei/yoghurt/kool/spinazie
Ontbijt: appelmoes, creme fraiche en roerei en avocado
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: restjes worstjes
Snack: knolselderijsoep
Avondeten: Thaise kippensoep
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, rode pasta
A: Thaise kippensoep
Woensdag (dag 52):
Intro: mango door sap
Rotatie: sap met wei/yoghurt/sla/komkommer/bietjes
Ontbijt: sla, avocado, ontbijtspek
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: Thaise kippensoep (zonder vissaus)
Snack: bouillon
Avondeten: casserole met aubergine
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, kibbeling
A: casserole met aubergine
Donderdag (dag 53):
Rotatie: pompoen & appelsap met wei/yoghurt/bleekselderij
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: honing-mosterdburgers met erwtjes
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, pizza
A: honing-mosterdburgers
melkproducten: kefir (maandag), kaas
munt en kool door sap, daarna bietjes en rauw fruit
Stage 5:
fruit door sap
rauwe sla met komkommer
Stage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
donderdag 29 november 2012
zaterdag 24 november 2012
Menu 3-9 december
Maandag (dag 43):
Dinsdag (dag 44):
Intro: paprika
Rotatie: pompoen
Ontbijt: appelmoes, creme fraiche en roerei en avocado
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes kipkroketjes met sperziebonen
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: erwtensoep
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, rode pasta
A: erwtensoep
Woensdag (dag 45):
Intro: kool
Rotatie: wortelsap met wei/yoghurt/bleekselderij/kool
Ontbijt: sla, avocado, ontbijtspek
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: Thaise kippensoep (zonder vissaus)
Snack: bouillon
Avondeten: gemarineerde zalm met spinazie, avocado, augurkschijfjes en dillemayo
Snack: bouillon
B&F: hartige taart
A: ook zalm
Donderdag (dag 46):
Intro: yoghurt
Rotatie: pompoen & sap met wei/yoghurt/sla/komkommer
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: gemarineerde zalm met spinazie
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: honing-mosterdburgers met bloemkool met honing-gember-appelchutney (zonder peper, amandel, ananas, citroen)
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, pizza
A: honing-mosterdburgers
VOORBEREIDEN: salsa maken
Vrijdag (dag 47):
Ontbijt: appel-kokospannenkoek met appel-bosbessenmoes en kokosshake (restjes kokosmelk, kokosolie, eierdooier, appel-bosbessenmoes)
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: honing-mosterdburgers met bloemkool met honing-gember-appelchutney
Snack: erwtensoep
Avondeten: visfilet met mosterd uit de oven en courgette
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, vis
A: visfilet met mosterd uit de oven en courgette
Zaterdag (dag 48):
Intro: peper
Rotatie: wortelsap met wei/yoghurt/bleekselderij/kool/spinazie
Ontbijt: gebakken banaan met kokosroom en honing-bosbessen
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: kalkoen en bacon club salad
Snack: kippensoep
Avondeten: casserole met erwtjes
Snack: bouillon
B&F: -
A: -
Zondag (dag 49):
Intro: appel in sap
Rotatie: sap met wei/yoghurt, sla, komkommer/munt/bietjes
Ontbijt: creme fraiche, roerei, spek en avocado
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes casserole
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: taco's (gehakt en tomaat uit blik) in slawrap met zelfgemaakte tacokruiden, crème fraiche, guacamole (avocado/knoflook) en salsa
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, pizza
A: taco's
melkproducten: kefir (maandag), kaas
munt en kool door sap, daarna bietjes en rauw fruit
Stage 5:
fruit door sap
rauwe sla met komkommer
Stage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
Intro: munt
Rotatie: sap met wei/yoghurt, sla, komkommer, munt
Rotatie: sap met wei/yoghurt, sla, komkommer, munt
Ontbijt: gebakken banaan met kokosroom en honing-rozijntjes en kokosshake (rest kokosmelk, kokosolie, eierdooier, banaanmoes)
Snack: erwtensoep
Lunch: restjes courgettepasta bolognese
Snack: kippensoep
Snack: erwtensoep
Lunch: restjes courgettepasta bolognese
Snack: kippensoep
Avondeten: kipkroketjes (knoflook toevoegen als 'seasoning') met honing-mosterd met sperziebonen en sla
Snack: bouillon
B&F: pannenkoeken
A: kipkroketjes en sperziebonen
Snack: bouillon
B&F: pannenkoeken
A: kipkroketjes en sperziebonen
Intro: paprika
Rotatie: pompoen
Ontbijt: appelmoes, creme fraiche en roerei en avocado
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes kipkroketjes met sperziebonen
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: erwtensoep
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, rode pasta
A: erwtensoep
Woensdag (dag 45):
Intro: kool
Rotatie: wortelsap met wei/yoghurt/bleekselderij/kool
Ontbijt: sla, avocado, ontbijtspek
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: Thaise kippensoep (zonder vissaus)
Snack: bouillon
Avondeten: gemarineerde zalm met spinazie, avocado, augurkschijfjes en dillemayo
Snack: bouillon
B&F: hartige taart
A: ook zalm
Donderdag (dag 46):
Intro: yoghurt
Rotatie: pompoen & sap met wei/yoghurt/sla/komkommer
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: gemarineerde zalm met spinazie
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: honing-mosterdburgers met bloemkool met honing-gember-appelchutney (zonder peper, amandel, ananas, citroen)
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, pizza
A: honing-mosterdburgers
VOORBEREIDEN: salsa maken
Vrijdag (dag 47):
Ontbijt: appel-kokospannenkoek met appel-bosbessenmoes en kokosshake (restjes kokosmelk, kokosolie, eierdooier, appel-bosbessenmoes)
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: honing-mosterdburgers met bloemkool met honing-gember-appelchutney
Snack: erwtensoep
Avondeten: visfilet met mosterd uit de oven en courgette
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, vis
A: visfilet met mosterd uit de oven en courgette
Zaterdag (dag 48):
Intro: peper
Rotatie: wortelsap met wei/yoghurt/bleekselderij/kool/spinazie
Ontbijt: gebakken banaan met kokosroom en honing-bosbessen
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: kalkoen en bacon club salad
Snack: kippensoep
Avondeten: casserole met erwtjes
Snack: bouillon
B&F: -
A: -
Zondag (dag 49):
Intro: appel in sap
Rotatie: sap met wei/yoghurt, sla, komkommer/munt/bietjes
Ontbijt: creme fraiche, roerei, spek en avocado
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes casserole
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: taco's (gehakt en tomaat uit blik) in slawrap met zelfgemaakte tacokruiden, crème fraiche, guacamole (avocado/knoflook) en salsa
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, pizza
A: taco's
melkproducten: kefir (maandag), kaas
munt en kool door sap, daarna bietjes en rauw fruit
Stage 5:
fruit door sap
rauwe sla met komkommer
Stage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
zondag 18 november 2012
Menu 26 november - 2 december
Maandag (dag 36):
Intro: -
Rotatie: wortelsap met wei/yoghurt/sla
Ontbijt: peermoes, gebakken banaan met kokosroom en kokosshake (restjes kokosmelk, kokosolie, eierdooier, appel-bessensaus)
Snack: erwtensoep
Lunch: restjes gehaktballetjes met gebakken ui en broccoli
Snack: Thaise kippensoep (zonder paprika en vissaus)
Intro: -
Rotatie: wortelsap met wei/yoghurt/sla
Ontbijt: peermoes, gebakken banaan met kokosroom en kokosshake (restjes kokosmelk, kokosolie, eierdooier, appel-bessensaus)
Snack: erwtensoep
Lunch: restjes gehaktballetjes met gebakken ui en broccoli
Snack: Thaise kippensoep (zonder paprika en vissaus)
Avondeten: casserole met varkensvlees en sperziebonen
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bolletje, kip
A: casserole met varkensvlees en sperziebonen
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bolletje, kip
A: casserole met varkensvlees en sperziebonen
Intro: peer
Rotatie: pompoen
Ontbijt: creme fraiche, roerei, spek en avocado
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes casserole met varkensvlees en sperziebonen
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: erwtensoep
Snack: bouillon
B&F: shoarma
A: erwtensoep
Woensdag (dag 38):
Intro: spinazie
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: Thaise kippensoep (zonder paprika en vissaus)
Snack: bouillon
Avondeten: gemarineerde zalm met spinazie, avocado, augurkschijfjes en dillemayo
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, rode pasta
A: rode pasta
Donderdag (dag 39):
Intro: gekookte wortel
Rotatie: wortelsap met wei/yoghurt/sla/komkommer
Ontbijt: sla, avocado, ontbijtspek
Snack: kippensoep
Lunch: gemarineerde zalm met spinazie
Snack: erwtensoep
Avondeten: kip stoofpotje
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, pizza
A: kipstoofpotje
Vrijdag (dag 40):
Intro: tomaat
Rotatie: pompoen
Ontbijt: appel-kokospannenkoek met bananenmoes en kokosshake (restjes kokosmelk, kokosolie, eierdooier, bananenmoes)
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes kipstoofpotje
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: mosselen met knoflooksaus
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, ???
A: mosselen
Zaterdag (dag 41):
Intro: rauwe ui
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: kalkoen en bacon club salad
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Avondeten: erwtensoep
Snack: bouillon
B&F: pannenkoeken
A: erwtensoep
Zondag (dag 42):
Intro: bleekselderij
Rotatie: wortelsap met wei/yoghurt, bleekselderij
Ontbijt: creme fraiche, roerei, spek en avocado
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: kalkoen en bacon club salad
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: courgettepasta bolognese
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, rode pasta
A: rode pasta
melkproducten: kefir (maandag), kaas
munt en kool door sap, daarna bietjes en rauw fruit
Stage 5:
fruit door sap
rauwe sla met komkommer
Stage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
dinsdag 13 november 2012
Menu 19-25 november
Maandag (dag 29):
Intro: sla
Ontbijt: breakfast sausage en roerei en boter
Snack: erwtensoep
Lunch: restjes gehaktballetjes met gebakken ui en broccoli
Snack: bloemkoolsoep met spekjes
Intro: sla
Ontbijt: breakfast sausage en roerei en boter
Snack: erwtensoep
Lunch: restjes gehaktballetjes met gebakken ui en broccoli
Snack: bloemkoolsoep met spekjes
Avondeten: kippenpootjes met broccoli
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bolletje, kip
A: ook kip
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bolletje, kip
A: ook kip
Intro: wortelsap
Ontbijt: kokospannenkoek
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes kippenpootjes met broccoli
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: erwtensoep
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes
A: erwtensoep
Woensdag (dag 31):
Intro: -
Rotatie: komkommer
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: haring met augurkschijfjes
Snack: bloemkoolsoep met spekjes
Avondeten: casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, rode pasta
A: casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
Donderdag (dag 32):
Intro: kokosmelk
Rotatie: sla
Ontbijt: roerei met avocado en gebakken ui
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: honing-mosterd burgers met sperziebonen
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes, pizza
A: honing-mosterd burgers met sperziebonen
Vrijdag (dag 33):
Intro: banaan
Rotatie: wortelsap met wei
Ontbijt: kokospannenkoek (kokosmeel (ei, 1 eetlepel per ei, pompoenpuree, en boter)
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes honing-mosterd burgers met sperziebonen
Snack: erwtensoep
Avondeten: worst met bloemkool
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, gebakken vis
A: gebakken vis
Zaterdag (dag 34):
Intro: rozijntjes
Rotatie: komkommer
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: restjes worst met bloemkool
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: biefstuk met geroosterde pompoen met citroenmayo
Snack: bouillon
B&F: pannenkoeken
A: biefstuk met geroosterde pompoen
Zondag (dag 35):
Intro: bosbessen
Ontbijt: gebakken spek met roerei
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes biefstuk met geroosterde pompoen met citroenmayo
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: gehaktballetjes met gebakken ui en broccoli
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, pizza
A: pasta carbonara
Leverpaté: zie recept BTVC
melkproducten: kefir, kaas
Stage 5:
fruit door sap
rauwe sla met komkommer
Stage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
Stock and Onion Gravy
This stock and onion gravy is a great way to sneak broth in! Like the herbed olive oil, it’s easy to spoon over meats and vegetables.
1 pot chicken stock
6 onions, peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon sea salt
Simmer onions in chicken stock, covered, until onions are soft. Add 1 teaspoon sea salt and puree with an immersion blender. Remove lid and reduce over low heat until desired consistency (reduced by half is good). Store in glass jars in the fridge and spoon over meats, add to scrambled eggs, and use to sauté veggies in.
maandag 12 november 2012
Menu 13-18 november
Dinsdag (dag 23):
Intro: -
Ontbijt: breakfast sausage en roerei en boter
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: restjes kippenpootjes met broccoli
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: zalm met courgette en prei
Snack: bouillon
Intro: -
Ontbijt: breakfast sausage en roerei en boter
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: restjes kippenpootjes met broccoli
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: zalm met courgette en prei
Snack: bouillon
B&F: shoarma
A: erwtensoep
Woensdag (dag 24):
Breakfast Sausage
3 lbs ground beef
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1⁄4 inch ginger, grated or diced
Combination of fresh basil, parsley, cilantro, or other fresh herbs, finely chopped, 2-6 tablespoons
1 teaspoons sea salt
Woensdag (dag 24):
Intro: creme fraiche
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: restjes zalm met courgette en prei
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: restjes zalm met courgette en prei
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, rode pasta
A: casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
Donderdag (dag 25):
Intro: biokult
Ontbijt: roerei met avocado en gebakken ui
Donderdag (dag 25):
Intro: biokult
Ontbijt: roerei met avocado en gebakken ui
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: honing-mosterd burgers met sperziebonen
Snack: bouillon
Lunch: restjes casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: honing-mosterd burgers met sperziebonen
Snack: bouillon
B&F: bakworstjes
A: honing-mosterd burgers met sperziebonen
Vrijdag (dag 26):
Intro: kokosmeel
Ontbijt: kokospannenkoek (kokosmeel (ei, 1 eetlepel kokosmeel per ei, pompoenpuree, en boter)
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes honing-mosterd burgers met sperziebonen
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: worst met bloemkool
Snack: bouillon
B&F: feestje Fiene
A: erwtensoep
Zaterdag (dag 27):
Intro: appelmoes
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: worst met bloemkool
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: gegrilde sardines met courgette
Snack: bouillon
Vrijdag (dag 26):
Intro: kokosmeel
Ontbijt: kokospannenkoek (kokosmeel (ei, 1 eetlepel kokosmeel per ei, pompoenpuree, en boter)
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes honing-mosterd burgers met sperziebonen
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: worst met bloemkool
Snack: bouillon
B&F: feestje Fiene
A: erwtensoep
Zaterdag (dag 27):
Intro: appelmoes
Ontbijt: kippensoep
Snack: champignonsoep
Lunch: worst met bloemkool
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: gegrilde sardines met courgette
Snack: bouillon
B&F: hartige taart
A: gegrilde sardines met courgette
Zondag (dag 28):
Zondag (dag 28):
Intro: komkommer
Ontbijt: gebakken spek met roerei
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes gegrilde sardines met courgette
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: gehaktballetjes met ui en broccoli
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, pizza
Ontbijt: gebakken spek met roerei
Snack: ossenstaartsoep
Lunch: restjes gegrilde sardines met courgette
Snack: pompoensoep
Avondeten: gehaktballetjes met ui en broccoli
Snack: bouillon
B&F: schnitzel, pizza
A: pizza
Voorbereiden (in het weekend voor komende week):
- Pompoensoep (4 porties)
- Erwtensoep (2 snackporties, 1 avondeten portie)
- Gefermenteerde vis
Stage 5:
fruit door sap
Voorbereiden (in het weekend voor komende week):
- Pompoensoep (4 porties)
- Erwtensoep (2 snackporties, 1 avondeten portie)
- Gefermenteerde vis
Stage 5:
fruit door sap
rauwe sla met komkommer
Stage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
Stage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
Breakfast Sausage
3 lbs ground beef
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1⁄4 inch ginger, grated or diced
Combination of fresh basil, parsley, cilantro, or other fresh herbs, finely chopped, 2-6 tablespoons
1 teaspoons sea salt
Combine beef with seasonings, form into patties, and fry in a pan or simmer in stock until cooked through.
Stock and Onion Gravy
This stock and onion gravy is a great way to sneak broth in! Like the herbed olive oil, it’s easy to spoon over meats and vegetables.
1 pot chicken stock
6 onions, peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon sea salt
Simmer onions in chicken stock, covered, until onions are soft. Add 1 teaspoon sea salt and puree with an immersion blender. Remove lid and reduce over low heat until desired consistency (reduced by half is good). Store in glass jars in the fridge and spoon over meats, add to scrambled eggs, and use to sauté veggies in.
Stock and Onion Gravy
This stock and onion gravy is a great way to sneak broth in! Like the herbed olive oil, it’s easy to spoon over meats and vegetables.
1 pot chicken stock
6 onions, peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon sea salt
Simmer onions in chicken stock, covered, until onions are soft. Add 1 teaspoon sea salt and puree with an immersion blender. Remove lid and reduce over low heat until desired consistency (reduced by half is good). Store in glass jars in the fridge and spoon over meats, add to scrambled eggs, and use to sauté veggies in.
Dag 4: 1x ei, rosbief met pompoen en ui en knoflook, broccolisoep, bloemkoolsoep met gehaktballetjes
Dag 5: 2x ei, kippensoep, gehakt met ui en knoflook en bloemkool, bloemkoolsoep restjes
zaDag 6: 3x ei, kippensoep, ossenstaartsoep, pompoen met gehakt casserole, pompoensoep, ossenstaart met gebakken ui
zonDag 7: 4x ei, courgette soep, kip met courgette, pompoensoep
maDag 8: 5x ei, gefermenteerde vis, sour cream, zachtgekookt ei, wortelsoep, gehaktballetjes met bloemkool en wortel, pompoensoep
diDag 9: pannenkoek, ghee, gehakt met ui en knoflook en bloemkool, ossenstaartsoep
woDag 10: walnoten, sour cream zonder zalm proberen, gehakt met ui/bloemkool, ossenstaartsoep, walnotenpannenkoek en roerei met in bouillon gebakken ui, uiensoep, kip met broccoli
doDag 11: avocado, 2x gekookt ei, pompoensoep, roerei met avocado met in bouillon gebakken ui, uiensoep, ossenstaartsoep
vrijDag 12: Intro: gefermenteerde vis, zuurkool. Menu: walnotenpannenkoeken, pompoensoep, ???, gefermenteerde vis, kip met pompoen en ui
zaDag 13: Intro: amandelnotenpasta. Menu: kippensoep, kokosolie/amandelpasta snack, kippensoep, gefermenteerde vis, gehakt met ui en knoflook en bloemkool
Stage 4:
zonDag 14: Intro: ghee, wortelsap. Menu: ossenstaartsoep, pompoensoep, roerei (alleen eigeel) met avocado en gebakken courgette, gefermenteerde vis, zalm uit de oven met gebakken groente
maDag 15: Intro: creme fraiche. Menu: amandelpannenkoeken, pompoensoep, roerei met avocado met creme fraiche en gebakken prei, gefermenteerde vis, geroosterde kip met groente
diDag 16: Intro: yoghurt, olijfolie. Menu: wortelsap, 2x gekookt ei, pompoensoep, kippensoep, gefermenteerde vis, pompoenfrietjes met biefstuk en groente
woDag 17: Intro: notenbrood. Menu: notenbrood, wortelsap, 1x gekookt ei, pompoensoep, restjes pompoenfrietjes en biefstuk met in bouillon gebakken ui, uiensoep, ???
doDag 18: Intro: ghee. Menu: amandelpannenkoeken en 1/2 avocado, kokosolie/amandelpasta snack en champignonsoep, kippensoep, ossenstaartsoep, gehaktballetjes met groente
Stage 4:
vrijDag 19: Intro: wortelsap. Menu: wortelsap en amandelpannenkoeken, kokosolie/amandelpasta snack en kippensoep, restjes gehaktballetjes met 2/3 avocado, pompoensoep, karbonaadje met sperziebonen
zaDag 20: Intro: roerei. Menu: wortelsap en kippensoep, ossenstaartsoep, roerei met 3/4 avocado, champignonsoep, casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
zoDag 21: Intro: olijfolie. Menu: wortelsap met breakfast sausage (zie hieronder) en roerei, pompoensoep, restjes casserole met avocado, pompoensoep, ossenstaartsoep
maDag 22: Intro: boter. Menu: wortelsap en amandelpannenkoeken, champignonsoep, kippensoep, pompoensoep, kippenpootjes met broccoli
Dag 5: 2x ei, kippensoep, gehakt met ui en knoflook en bloemkool, bloemkoolsoep restjes
zaDag 6: 3x ei, kippensoep, ossenstaartsoep, pompoen met gehakt casserole, pompoensoep, ossenstaart met gebakken ui
zonDag 7: 4x ei, courgette soep, kip met courgette, pompoensoep
maDag 8: 5x ei, gefermenteerde vis, sour cream, zachtgekookt ei, wortelsoep, gehaktballetjes met bloemkool en wortel, pompoensoep
diDag 9: pannenkoek, ghee, gehakt met ui en knoflook en bloemkool, ossenstaartsoep
woDag 10: walnoten, sour cream zonder zalm proberen, gehakt met ui/bloemkool, ossenstaartsoep, walnotenpannenkoek en roerei met in bouillon gebakken ui, uiensoep, kip met broccoli
doDag 11: avocado, 2x gekookt ei, pompoensoep, roerei met avocado met in bouillon gebakken ui, uiensoep, ossenstaartsoep
vrijDag 12: Intro: gefermenteerde vis, zuurkool. Menu: walnotenpannenkoeken, pompoensoep, ???, gefermenteerde vis, kip met pompoen en ui
zaDag 13: Intro: amandelnotenpasta. Menu: kippensoep, kokosolie/amandelpasta snack, kippensoep, gefermenteerde vis, gehakt met ui en knoflook en bloemkool
Stage 4:
zonDag 14: Intro: ghee, wortelsap. Menu: ossenstaartsoep, pompoensoep, roerei (alleen eigeel) met avocado en gebakken courgette, gefermenteerde vis, zalm uit de oven met gebakken groente
maDag 15: Intro: creme fraiche. Menu: amandelpannenkoeken, pompoensoep, roerei met avocado met creme fraiche en gebakken prei, gefermenteerde vis, geroosterde kip met groente
diDag 16: Intro: yoghurt, olijfolie. Menu: wortelsap, 2x gekookt ei, pompoensoep, kippensoep, gefermenteerde vis, pompoenfrietjes met biefstuk en groente
woDag 17: Intro: notenbrood. Menu: notenbrood, wortelsap, 1x gekookt ei, pompoensoep, restjes pompoenfrietjes en biefstuk met in bouillon gebakken ui, uiensoep, ???
doDag 18: Intro: ghee. Menu: amandelpannenkoeken en 1/2 avocado, kokosolie/amandelpasta snack en champignonsoep, kippensoep, ossenstaartsoep, gehaktballetjes met groente
Stage 4:
vrijDag 19: Intro: wortelsap. Menu: wortelsap en amandelpannenkoeken, kokosolie/amandelpasta snack en kippensoep, restjes gehaktballetjes met 2/3 avocado, pompoensoep, karbonaadje met sperziebonen
zaDag 20: Intro: roerei. Menu: wortelsap en kippensoep, ossenstaartsoep, roerei met 3/4 avocado, champignonsoep, casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
zoDag 21: Intro: olijfolie. Menu: wortelsap met breakfast sausage (zie hieronder) en roerei, pompoensoep, restjes casserole met avocado, pompoensoep, ossenstaartsoep
maDag 22: Intro: boter. Menu: wortelsap en amandelpannenkoeken, champignonsoep, kippensoep, pompoensoep, kippenpootjes met broccoli
zaterdag 10 november 2012
GAPS groente bijgerechten
Geroosterde pompoenpartjes met citroenmayo:
vrijdag 9 november 2012
Panpizza (helemaal niet paleo of GAPS)
1 cup zelfrijzend bakmeel
1/2 cup water
snufje zout
scheutje olijfolie
Mengen in foodprocessor.
blikje gepelde tomaten
1 teentje knoflook
snufje zout
paar druppels balsamico
scheutje olijfolie
Op een zacht pitje in de koekenpan, saus erover, topping erover, beetje olijfolie erover sprenkelen. Bodem knapperig, en dan onder de grill (ong. 4,5 minuut).
Lekker met mozzarella salade: mozzarella met pesto, citroenrasp en beetje basilicum.
1 cup zelfrijzend bakmeel
1/2 cup water
snufje zout
scheutje olijfolie
Mengen in foodprocessor.
blikje gepelde tomaten
1 teentje knoflook
snufje zout
paar druppels balsamico
scheutje olijfolie
Op een zacht pitje in de koekenpan, saus erover, topping erover, beetje olijfolie erover sprenkelen. Bodem knapperig, en dan onder de grill (ong. 4,5 minuut).
Lekker met mozzarella salade: mozzarella met pesto, citroenrasp en beetje basilicum.
donderdag 8 november 2012
Gefermenteerde vis
You can use homemade kefir or whey as a starter. For a one-litre jar you need
3-4 fresh herrings or mackerel. Skin the fish and remove the bones, cut into
mouth size pieces. Put the pieces of the fish into the jar mixing with slightly
crushed peppercorns, a few slices of white onion (optional), coriander seeds,
bay leaves and dill seeds or dill herb. In a separate jug in ½ litre of water
dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt and 3-4 tablespoons of your homemade whey.
Pour this brine into the jar with the fish until the fish is completely covered;
if the fish is not covered just add more water. Close the jar tightly and leave
to ferment for 3-5 days at a room temperature, then store in the fridge. This
fish does not keep long, so consume in the next few days. Serve with avocado and
Another way to ferment fish: buy some fresh sardines (also works for herring and
mackerel), de-scale the fish, cut the heads off and clean the belly out. Put
into a suitable size glass jar or a stainless steel pan. Add 1-2 cups of whey,
1-2 tablespoons of salt (per 1 litre), a teaspoon of black pepper corns (freshly
crushed), 10 bay leaves and ½ a teaspoon of coriander seeds (freshly crushed).
Top up with water so the fish is completely covered with water, you may want to
float a small plate on top of the fish to keep it submerged in the brine. Cover
the pan or put the lead on the jar and let it ferment for 3-5 days at a room
temperature. When the fish is ready take the meat off the bones, cut into
bite-size pieces and serve with avocado, fresh dill and some chopped red onion.
Taken from www.gaps.me
3-4 fresh herrings or mackerel. Skin the fish and remove the bones, cut into
mouth size pieces. Put the pieces of the fish into the jar mixing with slightly
crushed peppercorns, a few slices of white onion (optional), coriander seeds,
bay leaves and dill seeds or dill herb. In a separate jug in ½ litre of water
dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt and 3-4 tablespoons of your homemade whey.
Pour this brine into the jar with the fish until the fish is completely covered;
if the fish is not covered just add more water. Close the jar tightly and leave
to ferment for 3-5 days at a room temperature, then store in the fridge. This
fish does not keep long, so consume in the next few days. Serve with avocado and
Another way to ferment fish: buy some fresh sardines (also works for herring and
mackerel), de-scale the fish, cut the heads off and clean the belly out. Put
into a suitable size glass jar or a stainless steel pan. Add 1-2 cups of whey,
1-2 tablespoons of salt (per 1 litre), a teaspoon of black pepper corns (freshly
crushed), 10 bay leaves and ½ a teaspoon of coriander seeds (freshly crushed).
Top up with water so the fish is completely covered with water, you may want to
float a small plate on top of the fish to keep it submerged in the brine. Cover
the pan or put the lead on the jar and let it ferment for 3-5 days at a room
temperature. When the fish is ready take the meat off the bones, cut into
bite-size pieces and serve with avocado, fresh dill and some chopped red onion.
Taken from www.gaps.me
GAPS ontbijt ideeën
Pannenkoeken (met baking soda):
GAPS recept ideeën
Veel verschillende avondmaaltijden:
Met verschillende type recepten en ook veel 'baking':
Gember-yoghurt kip:
Honing-knoflook spareribs:
3 lbs Spareribs
1/2 Cup Honey
4 Tbsp Crushed Garlic
1 tsp Salt
1. Combine honey, garlic and salt in a bowl then mix well by stirring.
2. Place the spare ribs in a large bowl then pour-in the mixture.
3. Coat the ribs with the mixture and marinate for at least 3 hours.
4. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Arrange the marinated spare ribs in a baking tray then bake for 35 minutes. You can baste this with a little olive oil so that the meat won’t dry.
6. Turn the oven off then transfer the spare ribs on a serving plate.
'Pasta' recepten:
Zucchini noodles (zie Breaking the vicious cycle):
6 - 8 medium zucchini
(1-2 medium zucchini per person)
Peel zucchinis and remove stem tops.
Using the vegetable peeler, scrape strips off the entire length of each zucchini.
For easier peeling, insert a metal shish kebob skewer down the center, and hold onto the skewer while scraping the "noodles" from the zucchini.
Keep peeling until the entire zucchini is in shreds. Or, if even zucchini seeds are a problem, stop when you reach the seeds and freeze the remaining chunks for vegetable broth.
Pile the zucchini "noodles" on a buttered baking sheet and cook in a preheated 215°F oven for about 25 minutes. The objective of the low temperature is to cook the zucchini while evaporating as much of the excess water as possible.
of zie deze link voor tips:
Stock and Onion Gravy:
This stock and onion gravy is a great way to sneak broth in! Like the herbed olive oil, it’s easy to spoon over meats and vegetables.
1 pot chicken stock
6 onions, peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon sea salt
Simmer onions in chicken stock, covered, until onions are soft. Add 1 teaspoon sea salt and puree with an immersion blender. Remove lid and reduce over low heat until desired consistency (reduced by half is good). Store in glass jars in the fridge and spoon over meats, add to scrambled eggs, and use to sauté veggies in.
Gefermenteerde salsa:
Fermentatie recepten:
Hawaii burger:
Chicken Tikka Masala:
Tomaten-avocado soep:
Easy soup! My toddlers love it!
Homemade chicken broth
Tomato sauce (if jar check ingredients - Whole Foods and other companies make gaps friendly pasta sauce)
Blend and serve hot or cold!
Appel-bacon-pompoen hash:
Kokos-knoflook garnalen:
Serves 4
20 frozen jumbo shrimp
Fresh garlic (to taste)
2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
Coconut oil
In a bowl melt the coconut oil, add fresh grated garlic and toss shrimp until completely covered. Put coconut flakes on plate or pan and bread both sides of the shrimp. Place on baking sheet and bake at 350 deg for about 20 minutes or until shrimp is pink and cooked through.
Quick and easy alternative: In a frying pan add coconut oil, garlic and shrimp, toss until pink. Add in shredded coconut, toss well, cook until coconut is lightly golden brown, serve and enjoy.
Zie: http://paleononpaleo.com/paleo-recipes/
Met verschillende type recepten en ook veel 'baking':
Gember-yoghurt kip:
Honing-knoflook spareribs:
3 lbs Spareribs
1/2 Cup Honey
4 Tbsp Crushed Garlic
1 tsp Salt
1. Combine honey, garlic and salt in a bowl then mix well by stirring.
2. Place the spare ribs in a large bowl then pour-in the mixture.
3. Coat the ribs with the mixture and marinate for at least 3 hours.
4. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Arrange the marinated spare ribs in a baking tray then bake for 35 minutes. You can baste this with a little olive oil so that the meat won’t dry.
6. Turn the oven off then transfer the spare ribs on a serving plate.
'Pasta' recepten:
Zucchini noodles (zie Breaking the vicious cycle):
6 - 8 medium zucchini
(1-2 medium zucchini per person)
Peel zucchinis and remove stem tops.
Using the vegetable peeler, scrape strips off the entire length of each zucchini.
For easier peeling, insert a metal shish kebob skewer down the center, and hold onto the skewer while scraping the "noodles" from the zucchini.
Keep peeling until the entire zucchini is in shreds. Or, if even zucchini seeds are a problem, stop when you reach the seeds and freeze the remaining chunks for vegetable broth.
Pile the zucchini "noodles" on a buttered baking sheet and cook in a preheated 215°F oven for about 25 minutes. The objective of the low temperature is to cook the zucchini while evaporating as much of the excess water as possible.
of zie deze link voor tips:
Stock and Onion Gravy:
This stock and onion gravy is a great way to sneak broth in! Like the herbed olive oil, it’s easy to spoon over meats and vegetables.
1 pot chicken stock
6 onions, peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon sea salt
Simmer onions in chicken stock, covered, until onions are soft. Add 1 teaspoon sea salt and puree with an immersion blender. Remove lid and reduce over low heat until desired consistency (reduced by half is good). Store in glass jars in the fridge and spoon over meats, add to scrambled eggs, and use to sauté veggies in.
Gefermenteerde salsa:
Fermentatie recepten:
Hawaii burger:
Chicken Tikka Masala:
Tomaten-avocado soep:
Easy soup! My toddlers love it!
Homemade chicken broth
Tomato sauce (if jar check ingredients - Whole Foods and other companies make gaps friendly pasta sauce)
Blend and serve hot or cold!
Appel-bacon-pompoen hash:
Kokos-knoflook garnalen:
Serves 4
20 frozen jumbo shrimp
Fresh garlic (to taste)
2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
Coconut oil
In a bowl melt the coconut oil, add fresh grated garlic and toss shrimp until completely covered. Put coconut flakes on plate or pan and bread both sides of the shrimp. Place on baking sheet and bake at 350 deg for about 20 minutes or until shrimp is pink and cooked through.
Quick and easy alternative: In a frying pan add coconut oil, garlic and shrimp, toss until pink. Add in shredded coconut, toss well, cook until coconut is lightly golden brown, serve and enjoy.
Zie: http://paleononpaleo.com/paleo-recipes/
Bacon-champignon met courgettepasta:
Mexicaanse pork roast:
Mexicaanse pork roast:
Breakfast cookies:
GAPS recipes by stages:
Jamie Oliver's 1-minute berry icecream:
Orange popsicles:
Regenboog popsicles:
Pineapple upside down cake:
Citroen meringue taart:
Aardbei lassi:
1-minute banaan chocolade ijs:
Of banaan kaneel rozijnen ijs:
Nog meer versies - Nutella en aardbei:
Bevroren druiven aan een prikker:
Kokos chocolade ijs:
Sour cream & onion chips:
GAPS recipes by stages:
Jamie Oliver's 1-minute berry icecream:
Orange popsicles:
Regenboog popsicles:
Pineapple upside down cake:
Citroen meringue taart:
Aardbei lassi:
1-minute banaan chocolade ijs:
Of banaan kaneel rozijnen ijs:
Nog meer versies - Nutella en aardbei:
Bevroren druiven aan een prikker:
Kokos chocolade ijs:
Sour cream & onion chips:
Menu 8-13 november
doDag 18: Intro: ghee. Menu: amandelpannenkoeken en 1/2 avocado, kokosolie/amandelpasta snack en champignonsoep, kippensoep, ossenstaartsoep, gehaktballetjes met groente
Stage 4:
vrijDag 19: Intro: wortelsap. Menu: wortelsap en amandelpannenkoeken, kokosolie/amandelpasta snack en kippensoep, restjes gehaktballetjes met 2/3 avocado, pompoensoep, karbonaadje met sperziebonen
zaDag 20: Intro: roerei. Menu: wortelsap en kippensoep, ossenstaartsoep, roerei met 3/4 avocado, champignonsoep, casserole met varkensvlees en erwtjes
zoDag 21: Intro: olijfolie. Menu: wortelsap met breakfast sausage (zie hieronder) en roerei, pompoensoep, restjes casserole met avocado, pompoensoep, ossenstaartsoep
maDag 22: Intro: boter. Menu: wortelsap en amandelpannenkoeken, champignonsoep, kippensoep, pompoensoep, zalm met courgette en prei
diDag 23: Intro: notenbrood. Menu: wortelsap met breakfast sausage en notenbrood en boter, ossenstaartsoep, zalm met mayo en avocado, pompoensoep, kippenpootjes met broccoli
Stage 5:
Stage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
fruit door sap
rauwe sla met komkommerStage 6:
Rauw fruit en honing
Zoete snacks
Breakfast Sausage
3 lbs ground beef
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1⁄4 inch ginger, grated or diced
Combination of fresh basil, parsley, cilantro, or other fresh herbs, finely chopped, 2-6 tablespoons
1 teaspoons sea salt
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1⁄4 inch ginger, grated or diced
Combination of fresh basil, parsley, cilantro, or other fresh herbs, finely chopped, 2-6 tablespoons
1 teaspoons sea salt
Combine beef with seasonings, form into patties, and fry in a pan or simmer in stock until cooked through.
Stock and Onion Gravy
This stock and onion gravy is a great way to sneak broth in! Like the herbed olive oil, it’s easy to spoon over meats and vegetables.
1 pot chicken stock
6 onions, peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon sea salt
Simmer onions in chicken stock, covered, until onions are soft. Add 1 teaspoon sea salt and puree with an immersion blender. Remove lid and reduce over low heat until desired consistency (reduced by half is good). Store in glass jars in the fridge and spoon over meats, add to scrambled eggs, and use to sauté veggies in.
This stock and onion gravy is a great way to sneak broth in! Like the herbed olive oil, it’s easy to spoon over meats and vegetables.
1 pot chicken stock
6 onions, peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon sea salt
Simmer onions in chicken stock, covered, until onions are soft. Add 1 teaspoon sea salt and puree with an immersion blender. Remove lid and reduce over low heat until desired consistency (reduced by half is good). Store in glass jars in the fridge and spoon over meats, add to scrambled eggs, and use to sauté veggies in.
Beet kvass
Durga’s Beet Kvass Recipe:
Beet Kvass is a effervescent lactic acid fermented beverage which you can easily make at home from beets, water and sea salt. It can be consumed as a tonic drink, or used to make a vinaigrette dressing. Beet kvass, like other lactic acid fermented drinks, is best consumed in relatively small amounts. It is considered a tonic drink, due to the many health benefits from nutrients, enzymes and beneficial organisms in it. Kvass is also made from stale rye bread. No traditional Ukranian home was without its bottle of beet kvass, according to Lubow A. Kylvska, author of Ukranian Dishes.
Folk medicine values beets and beet kvass for their liver cleansing properties and beet kvass is widely used in cancer therapy in Europe. Anecdotal reports indicate that beet kvass is an excellent therapy for chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities, allergies and digestive problems. (from Weston A Price Foundation website.)
Note to Sally Fallon fans: the following recipe is adapted from Fallon. Many people start out all excited to make beet kvass and find the results unpalatable and give up. The secret is to use just a pinch of salt (prefer Celtic coarse) and ½ a cup of whey (or more, if you have lots to use up!)
Basic Beet Kvass
Batch 1:
2-4 medium to large beets, scrubbed, unpeeled, coarsely chopped
½ cup whey leftover from making homemade cheese from raw milk (powdered will *not* do)
pinch sea salt (Celtic salt is preferred as it adds minerals)
about 1-1/2 qts filtered water (not fizzy mineral water)
Combine all ingredients in 2 qt. glass jar. Fill rest of jar w/ water, leaving about 1-1/2 inches headroom.
Invert jar to gently mix ingredients. Place on a counter. Kvass will be ready in 2-4 days, depending on outside temp. Try to mix by turning jar a couple times/day. You can tell it’s ready by the rich red color, by floating beet pieces (means good amount of lactic acid has developed), and by the presence of “bloom” (mold) on top.
Subsequent Batches:
When kvass is finished, gently scoop off as much bloom as you can. Strain liquid into bowl, and transfer to another 2 qt. glass jar. Refrigerate. You may drink at full strength, but as it is concentrated, you may wish to dilute half with mineral water, and add 1-2 tsp honey. It is delightful taken this way, a very pleasant “beet soda.” Children like it, and it looks beautiful.
Then, wash the quartered beets well. They will be slimy. Also wash out the jar they fermented in well with hot water. Chop the beets one size smaller, and place back in fermenting jar, again with half cup way and pinch salt. Repeat whole process. I have gotten up to 4 lovely batches of kvass this way-so three beets last about 2 weeks!
Are endless. Kvass is very nice with a teaspoon of cinnamon (a good blood toning combo); also ginger root and lemon (careful! The ginger gets very heady—open slowly or you may have a bubbling mess!); also my favorite is cranberry concentrate—making a great female tonic. For a real treat you may also make it with half water and half freshly juiced apples or pears. It is also nice with dried mint (just crush mint leaves and add to the jar with the beets.)
I would advise against adding honey to the fermenting batch, or using fizzy mineral water, as both slow fermentation; but added after, both (especially the honey) bring health benefits.
Bron: https://sites.google.com/site/spiritualfoodcsa/food-a-pedia/beets
Beet Kvass is a effervescent lactic acid fermented beverage which you can easily make at home from beets, water and sea salt. It can be consumed as a tonic drink, or used to make a vinaigrette dressing. Beet kvass, like other lactic acid fermented drinks, is best consumed in relatively small amounts. It is considered a tonic drink, due to the many health benefits from nutrients, enzymes and beneficial organisms in it. Kvass is also made from stale rye bread. No traditional Ukranian home was without its bottle of beet kvass, according to Lubow A. Kylvska, author of Ukranian Dishes.
Folk medicine values beets and beet kvass for their liver cleansing properties and beet kvass is widely used in cancer therapy in Europe. Anecdotal reports indicate that beet kvass is an excellent therapy for chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities, allergies and digestive problems. (from Weston A Price Foundation website.)
Note to Sally Fallon fans: the following recipe is adapted from Fallon. Many people start out all excited to make beet kvass and find the results unpalatable and give up. The secret is to use just a pinch of salt (prefer Celtic coarse) and ½ a cup of whey (or more, if you have lots to use up!)
Basic Beet Kvass
Batch 1:
2-4 medium to large beets, scrubbed, unpeeled, coarsely chopped
½ cup whey leftover from making homemade cheese from raw milk (powdered will *not* do)
pinch sea salt (Celtic salt is preferred as it adds minerals)
about 1-1/2 qts filtered water (not fizzy mineral water)
Combine all ingredients in 2 qt. glass jar. Fill rest of jar w/ water, leaving about 1-1/2 inches headroom.
Invert jar to gently mix ingredients. Place on a counter. Kvass will be ready in 2-4 days, depending on outside temp. Try to mix by turning jar a couple times/day. You can tell it’s ready by the rich red color, by floating beet pieces (means good amount of lactic acid has developed), and by the presence of “bloom” (mold) on top.
Subsequent Batches:
When kvass is finished, gently scoop off as much bloom as you can. Strain liquid into bowl, and transfer to another 2 qt. glass jar. Refrigerate. You may drink at full strength, but as it is concentrated, you may wish to dilute half with mineral water, and add 1-2 tsp honey. It is delightful taken this way, a very pleasant “beet soda.” Children like it, and it looks beautiful.
Then, wash the quartered beets well. They will be slimy. Also wash out the jar they fermented in well with hot water. Chop the beets one size smaller, and place back in fermenting jar, again with half cup way and pinch salt. Repeat whole process. I have gotten up to 4 lovely batches of kvass this way-so three beets last about 2 weeks!
Are endless. Kvass is very nice with a teaspoon of cinnamon (a good blood toning combo); also ginger root and lemon (careful! The ginger gets very heady—open slowly or you may have a bubbling mess!); also my favorite is cranberry concentrate—making a great female tonic. For a real treat you may also make it with half water and half freshly juiced apples or pears. It is also nice with dried mint (just crush mint leaves and add to the jar with the beets.)
I would advise against adding honey to the fermenting batch, or using fizzy mineral water, as both slow fermentation; but added after, both (especially the honey) bring health benefits.
Bron: https://sites.google.com/site/spiritualfoodcsa/food-a-pedia/beets
GAPS hartige snacks ideeën
Geroosterde pompoenzaadjes:
Schil eraf halen:

Kurkuma thee:
Schil eraf halen:
Kurkuma thee:
woensdag 7 november 2012
GAPS smoothie ideeën
GAPS milkshake:
Make a juice from a mixture of fruit and vegetables, add 1-2 raw eggs (both the yolk and the white) and a large dollop of raw sour cream (if sour cream was not introduced yet, use coconut oil) and whisk the whole thing. It will turn into a delicious ‘milkshake’. The fats and protein balance the sugars in the juice, keeping the blood sugar under control. The juices of apple, celery, beetroot and other vegetables soften the gallbladder stones over time, while the fat provides gentle stimulation to the liver to squeeze these stones out. Start this milkshake from a few tablespoons per day and gradually increase to 2 glasses per day: first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and middle of afternoon.
[Beet kvass toevoegen?]

Alternatief recept:
Vegetable juice items: 1 Carrot
2 – 3 apples or equivalent in pineapple
1 stick of celery
Small wedge of beetroot
Small piece of white or red cabbage
Eggs: 1-2 raw eggs (yolks and whites) preferably use organic free range eggs.
Fats: 4-5 tablespoons of raw sour cream or yoghurt (if sour cream has not yet been introduced, you may add ghee or raw butter (at room temperature – softened) or raw coconut oil.
Banaan-chocola shake:
Make a juice from a mixture of fruit and vegetables, add 1-2 raw eggs (both the yolk and the white) and a large dollop of raw sour cream (if sour cream was not introduced yet, use coconut oil) and whisk the whole thing. It will turn into a delicious ‘milkshake’. The fats and protein balance the sugars in the juice, keeping the blood sugar under control. The juices of apple, celery, beetroot and other vegetables soften the gallbladder stones over time, while the fat provides gentle stimulation to the liver to squeeze these stones out. Start this milkshake from a few tablespoons per day and gradually increase to 2 glasses per day: first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and middle of afternoon.
[Beet kvass toevoegen?]
Alternatief recept:
Vegetable juice items: 1 Carrot
2 – 3 apples or equivalent in pineapple
1 stick of celery
Small wedge of beetroot
Small piece of white or red cabbage
Eggs: 1-2 raw eggs (yolks and whites) preferably use organic free range eggs.
Fats: 4-5 tablespoons of raw sour cream or yoghurt (if sour cream has not yet been introduced, you may add ghee or raw butter (at room temperature – softened) or raw coconut oil.
Banaan-chocola shake:
dinsdag 6 november 2012
GAPS zoete snacks ideeën
Bosbessen muffins:
Of met kokosmeel:
Key lime pie:
Chocolade bacon banaan:
Of met kokosmeel:
Key lime pie:
Chocolade bacon banaan:
GAPS toetjes ideeën
Pumpkin pie clafoutis:
Fall always makes me think of pumpkin. This clafoutis recipe is spiced like pumpkin pie and so delicious! It is rich and has just enough body to stand-in for the usual pumpkin pie. Serve it as breakfast alongside some bacon or sausage, or top it with whipped cream for a special dessert.
Pumpkin Pie Clafoutis
Serves 5-7
Ook lekker met bramen? Met munt erover na het bakken? zie: http://www.ah.nl/allerhande/#/recepten/401306/bramentaart-met-munt/?rq=bramentaart
Appel of peer clafoutis:
Apple or Pear Clafoutis (GAPS-legal, grain- and gluten-free)
This clafoutis recipe is a staple breakfast item in our house. It is similar to a fruit custard, and is delicious with both pears and apples (I've used Granny Smith or Fuji apples). It is also great when served with a side of bacon or sausage. Leftovers are great cold or warmed up.
Pear or Apple Clafoutis:
*Time-saving tips:
For a delicious and easy breakfast throughout the week, double this recipe and cook in either two 8X8 dishes or one 9X13 dish (it will of course take longer to cook in the bigger dish). Once cooled slightly, scoop into individual glass dishes

and store in the refrigerator. On subsequent mornings, just pull out one of the small glass containers and eat cold (or re-heat in the toaster oven at 250 degrees for about 15-20 minutes).
Since the oven will already be heated, you may as well throw in a pack of bacon, some egg muffins, baked bacon and eggs, or even a spaghetti squash for later in the week. I abhor an empty oven, so I'm always adding more items once it is on. Bacon bakes very well, especially if you put it on the bottom rack, and it also reheats well for later in the week. http://nourishedandnurtured.blogspot.nl/2011/02/apple-or-pear-clafoutis-gaps-legal.html
Gevulde bananen van de barbecue:
Pumpkin pie clafoutis:
Fall always makes me think of pumpkin. This clafoutis recipe is spiced like pumpkin pie and so delicious! It is rich and has just enough body to stand-in for the usual pumpkin pie. Serve it as breakfast alongside some bacon or sausage, or top it with whipped cream for a special dessert.
Pumpkin Pie Clafoutis
Serves 5-7
- 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter (or try coconut oil or ghee for a dairy-free option*)
- 1 & 3/4 cups pumpkin puree, preferably homemade
- 1/3 to 1/2 cup honey, or more to taste
- 4 eggs, preferably from pastured chickens
- 1/2 cup milk kefir or plain whole-milk yogurt (or try coconut milk for dairy-free option*)
- 1/3 cup almond flour, preferably from crispy nuts
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1/8 tsp ground cloves
- pinch nutmeg
- 1/4 tsp celtic sea salt
- Equipment needed: blender or immersion blender
- Melt the butter in a small pot over low heat. Turn off heat and allow to cool slightly. If your butter has been overheated, let it cool before combining it with the other ingredients.
- Blend together all ingredients in a blender or with an immersion blender (don't forget to add the melted butter). Taste for sweetness, and add more honey to taste if desired.
- Pour mixture into a buttered 8-inch square glass baking dish. Bake in 325 degree oven for 35-45 minutes, until center is set.
- Allow to cool and then transfer to the fridge. Best if served cold (if you can wait that long). Serve it as breakfast alongside some bacon or sausage, or top it with whipped cream for a special dessert.
Ook lekker met bramen? Met munt erover na het bakken? zie: http://www.ah.nl/allerhande/#/recepten/401306/bramentaart-met-munt/?rq=bramentaart
Appel of peer clafoutis:
Apple or Pear Clafoutis (GAPS-legal, grain- and gluten-free)
This clafoutis recipe is a staple breakfast item in our house. It is similar to a fruit custard, and is delicious with both pears and apples (I've used Granny Smith or Fuji apples). It is also great when served with a side of bacon or sausage. Leftovers are great cold or warmed up.
Pear or Apple Clafoutis:
- 4 large eggs
- ¼ cup honey
- ½ cup sour cream, creme fraiche, or full-fat coconut milk
- ½ cup (1 stick) butter or unrefined coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- ⅓ cup crispy almond* flour OR 3Tb coconut flour (almond flour tastes better, but coconut flour is good, too)
- ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
- pinch of ground nutmeg
- ¼ teaspoon Celtic sea salt
- 3 large pears and/or apples, peeled, cored, and sliced (it's okay to leave the peel on the pears so long as it's not too thick)
- Butter an 8X8 glass dish
, generously
- In a small saucepan, melt one stick of butter. Then add honey and stir.
- In a medium bowl, combine eggs, sour cream, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and vanilla. I like to use my immersion blender
to mix it all up together, but you could certainly use a whisk or mixer instead.
- Add melted butter and honey to wet ingredients and whisk or blend.
- With the immersion blender running, add almond flour (or coconut flour) and whir until well-combined (or use mixer or whisk until smooth). Using the immersion blender
is great because it further grinds the almond flour (which doesn't get particularly fine when I grind it in the food processor).
- Arrange the sliced fruit on the bottom of the pan, then pour the mixture over the top. (Note: the fruit will float up while it is cooking.)
- Bake at 325° for 45-55 minutes, until clafoutis is set in the center and the top is golden.
- Cool and serve.*Crispy almonds are nuts that have been soaked in water with a little salt for 12-24 hours and then dried in the dehydrator until crispy (which usually takes about 24 hours at 155 degrees F in my Nesco dehydrator
). Soaking the nuts neutralizes phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Phytic acid blocks absorption of minerals such as calcium and magnesium; enzyme inhibitors make nuts hard to digest. I make a large batch of crispy nuts, grind them into flour in the food processor
(don't grind too long or you will make almond butter instead of flour), and store the flour in the freezer. This way, the flour is always ready when I need it.
*Time-saving tips:
For a delicious and easy breakfast throughout the week, double this recipe and cook in either two 8X8 dishes or one 9X13 dish (it will of course take longer to cook in the bigger dish). Once cooled slightly, scoop into individual glass dishes
Since the oven will already be heated, you may as well throw in a pack of bacon, some egg muffins, baked bacon and eggs, or even a spaghetti squash for later in the week. I abhor an empty oven, so I'm always adding more items once it is on. Bacon bakes very well, especially if you put it on the bottom rack, and it also reheats well for later in the week. http://nourishedandnurtured.blogspot.nl/2011/02/apple-or-pear-clafoutis-gaps-legal.html
Gevulde bananen van de barbecue:
zondag 14 oktober 2012
Menu 15-21 oktober
Maandag lunch:
Zuurkool met worst
Maandag avondeten:
Honing-mosterd burgers:
Vrijdag lunch:
Kliekjes rollade met boerenkool
Vrijdag avondeten:
Romig paddenstoelenstoofpotje:
Zaterdag lunch:
Garnalen avocado salade met koriander:
Zaterdag avondeten:
Boeuf uit de vriezer met rode kool met appeltjes
Zondag lunch:
Haring met augurk en ui
Zondag avondeten:
Voorbereiden voor later gebruik:
Griekse lamsgehaktballetjes:
Zuurkool met worst
Maandag avondeten:
Honing-mosterd burgers:
Dinsdag lunch:
Kliekjes honing-mosterd burgers
Dinsdag avondeten:
Thaise kippensoep:
Woensdag lunch:
Kliekjes Thaise kippensoep:
Woensdag avondeten:
Gember biefstuk wokgroente:
Kliekjes honing-mosterd burgers
Dinsdag avondeten:
Thaise kippensoep:
Woensdag lunch:
Kliekjes Thaise kippensoep:
Woensdag avondeten:
Gember biefstuk wokgroente:
Donderdag lunch:
Kliekjes gember biefstuk wokgroente
Donderdag avondeten:
Rollade met honing-gember-appelchutney en gestoofde boerenkool:
Donderdag lunch:
Kliekjes gember biefstuk wokgroente
Donderdag avondeten:
Rollade met honing-gember-appelchutney en gestoofde boerenkool:
Vrijdag lunch:
Kliekjes rollade met boerenkool
Vrijdag avondeten:
Romig paddenstoelenstoofpotje:
Zaterdag lunch:
Garnalen avocado salade met koriander:
Zaterdag avondeten:
Boeuf uit de vriezer met rode kool met appeltjes
Zondag lunch:
Haring met augurk en ui
Zondag avondeten:
Voorbereiden voor later gebruik:
Griekse lamsgehaktballetjes:
Rode pastasaus maken voor Fiene
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